Thursday at the Christian Science Monitor Breakfast, former White House press secretary Jay Carney said the botched roll out of ObamaCare, especially the program’s website, was the most difficult period during his time at the press briefing room podium.

Taking “complete” responsibility for the screw up Carney said, “Dealing with and its pretty awful roll out” was difficult. He added, “This one was completely of our doing”  and that it was a sustained bad new story that “we really had not gotten it right.”

Carney was President Barack Obama’s press secretary from 2011 until his resignation in May 2014 and during that tenure, Carney dealt with a number of scandals including the Fast and Furious gun-walking scandal, the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack, the IRS’s selective targeting of the Tea Party, NSA domestic spying, VA waiting list scandal and the fallout from the Bergdahl prisoner exchange.

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