FNC’s “Justice” host Jeanine Pirro last night went after President Barack Obama’s “feckless week foreign policy” creating chaos in the middle east. Pirro called the president a “clueless a paper tiger” who didn’t “have the balls” to prosecute the five Taliban terrorist he instead traded for U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl.

Citing the 60 percent increase in radical Islamic terrorism since Obama has taken office, Pirro called out the administration for training and arming the ISIS radical terrorist who have now run amuck in Iraq. Saying the “Irony Mister President is it will be with our taxpayer funded weapons but they will be coming for us.”

Pirro ended by saying ,”You release terrorist, you cut deals with Iran, you dance around with your political correctness while they sharpen their knives. Mister President you are playing a very dangerous game for which you are ill-prepared and it is the American people who will suffer.”

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