House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. Darrel Issa (R-CA) demanded a special prosecutor to investigate the IRS over its targeting of conservative groups and the disappearance of emails from key officials. 

Issa declared that IRS Commissioner John Koskinen is “not the ideal person, not even an appropriate person” to oversee the investigation into the IRS’ conducts, and that this case calls for a true, special, independent prosecutor who has the ability to issue warrants, to seize materials, to safeguard documents and other information before it goes away and get to the truth.” 

He added that a special prosecutor will almost certainly not be named by President Barack Obama or Attorney General Eric Holder.

Issa added that the revelation that Lois Lerner improperly gave the personal information of donors to the Justice Department made it clear that her attorney should “take back that statement she made, that perjured statement that she broke no laws, she broke no regulations.”  He concluded, “of course she broke laws and of course she broke regulations and we need to hold her accountable.” 

Even though he said that Lerner was “biased,” “had an agenda,” and “broke laws,” Issa stated that he “absolutely” would be willing to give Lerner immunity “if she would deliver to us the explanation of who she worked with in this conspiracy.” 

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