On her Monday “The Kelly File” show, Megyn Kelly aired her interview she conducted with former Weather Underground ringleader Bill Ayers.

Kelly challenged Ayers on the acts of violence committed by the Weather Underground throughout their history, all of which Ayers insisted was an effort to inflict property damage to protest the Vietnam War. 

Kelly said Ayers’ justification of those acts made him sound like Osama bin Laden.

“I think it would be fair and balanced to also look at the violence that was and is going on, perpetrated by the government, by the official agencies and organs of the government,” Ayers said.

“You sound like – with respect – Osama Bin Laden,” Kelly replied.

Ayers also elaborated on why he views U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl as a hero, if had indeed deserted his platoon in Afghanistan.

“I think Bowe Bergdahl, if he deserted, that was a heroic thing to do, absolutely,” Ayers said. “Nobody knows if he did or didn’t. But I did blog about that because I think throughout history we should build monuments to the deserters – the people who look at the craziness and say ‘I’m not part of this.’”

Watch (Part II):

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