The Hill Associate Editor, A.B. Stoddard. stated that it “seems like [President Obama] is giving up on the job [of president].”  In a panel discussion on Fox’s “Special Report,” Stoddard reported “the president is giving Americans the sense that as he gives up on Congress, he’s kind of giving up his job.” 

She added that the president is “getting bored in the cocoon,” “bolting from the building to go to Starbucks and Chipotle,” and “planning his post-presidency.” Stoddard also reported that the president has at times preferred to talk about the NBA playoffs instead of “policies or politics” because he’d rather talk about “anything but his job.” 

Stoddard concluded “as he has all these difficulties flare up, international crises that are deteriorating, a stubborn economy that doesn’t get better, he seems like he’s giving up on the job not just on the gridlock in Congress, and that’s really troublesome for the American people.”

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