Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) argued that the Obama administration “created” the surge “to create thousands, and maybe millions of new voters and overwhelm the system” in an appearance on Friday’s “America’s Newsroom.”  He stated that the White House “created the crisis and they knew they were creating it,” and that the political endgame behind the influx of illegal immigrants is the recruitment of new voters. 

Gohmert also said that the crisis is due to the refusal of the president to send illegal immigrants back to their country of origins, reporting “this is not new, some years back, we had a flood of people coming from Brazil because they heard they will not be sent back,” and “[the crisis is] preventable, this administration caused it, and they can stop it.” 

He also criticized the White House for lacking a clear immigration policy and failing to enforce the country’s immigration laws, and said “until the president will follow the law and secure the border…there is no sense in doing reform…we want reform, but you cannot do it with a lawless president. He will throw out the parts he doesn’t want, like he’s done with Obamacare and just enact the ones he likes.”

(h/t The Right Scoop)

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