On the Saturday episode of “Justice with Judge Jeanine,” host Jeanine Pirro accused President Barack Obama of implementing a “Trojan Horse” strategy in Texas as a way to turn that state’s politics for Democrats.

According to Pirro, part of this “Trojan Horse” involves the influx of Central American youth through the U.S.-Mexico border, which she argued has been encouraged by his immigration policy and his unwillingness to enforce existing law.

Pirro pointed this as one of the reasons a recent Quinnipiac poll showed Obama as the worst president since World War II in the eyes of the American public.

“Mr. President, there’s a reason, we think, you’re the worst president in recent history,” she said. “We don’t trust you. We don’t believe you. We don’t think you’re capable of leading the country. Illegally entering the United States is not a right to citizenship. And don’t tell us we’re heartless because we believe in the rule of law, which is the foundation upon which our country was founded.”

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