On this weekend’s “The McLaughlin Group,” Daily Beast liberal columnist “McLaughlin Group” regular Eleanor Clift admitted there is more President Barack Obama could have done, at least from a public relations standpoint with his handling of the problems along the U.S.-Mexico border.

Clift didn’t necessarily say that Obama should have made a border trip, however she poked holes in his reasoning for not making the trip. She also suggested the possibility for the Obama administration to deploy troops at the border.

“He didn’t go to the border,” Clift said. “If he’d gone, you’d be accusing him of grandstanding, I’m sure. But I think you can’t argue that you don’t like photo-ops and then spend three days on the road essentially doing photo-ops – meeting with voters in a diner and shooting pool and all of that. So, I think the optics are terrible. But the meeting with Gov. [Rick] Perry – they found lots of agreement. The president said he is open to the National Guard. He has deployed the National Guard to the border once or twice before. President Bush also did. Maybe this is time to think about putting some troops along the border as a deterrent.”

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