In a speech on the House floor on Wednesday, Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) lambasted the proposal from the Obama White House seeking $3.7 billion in funding to deal with the border crisis.

Brooks explained the proposal falls short in dealing with the actual problem.

“President Obama demands $3.7 billion to spend in just the next few months on a policy that does not solve the illegal alien children problem,” Brooks said. “Think about that. The President proposes spending $3.7 billion to not solve the problem.”

Brooks made his own policy proposals arguing it wasn’t in the best interest to offer “free food, free clothing, free shelter, free health care, free transportation, free entertainment, and billions of dollars a year in fraudulent tax refunds.”

He also called on children from Central America to be treated just as those emigrating from Mexico are and that they should be sent back to their homes by “the least expensive means possible.”

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