Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-AL) said that Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) will use the immigration bill proposed by Rep. Kay Granger (R-TX) to bring back the Gang of Eight immigration proposal.

On Wednesday’s “Laura Ingraham Show,” Sessions told guest host John Hinderaker that there is “a terrible concern” that if Granger’s bill passed, the Gang of Eight proposal would be brought back to life in conference committee negotiations.  “Harry Reid said that…he intended to do that” Sessions reported. 

Sessions did say that Speaker John Boehner had promised that he would not allow the Gang of Eight bill to have a second life in the conference committee, and said Boehner’s promise was “a firm statement that we can rely on.”

He further criticized the Granger bill, that he says “misses some very key points.” “It’s not going to effectively deal with the overwhelming of the system through the asylum claims and other claims,” and does not bar the president from granting executive amnesty according to Sessions. 

Sessions also characterized the president’s proposed executive amnesty as a “threat to the Constitutional order.”  He added that if Congress does not stop the president from acting unilaterally, it would be a “failure, not only of policy…but to the constitutional separation of powers,” and a “monumental Congressional failure.”

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