In an appearance on ABC’s “This Week,” White House adviser Dan Pfeiffer criticized opponents of the president’s potential executive action for perpetuating “uninformed speculation.” According to Pfeiffer, the president has not yet received from advisers information about what immigration actions are available to him under the law. 

“Let’s wait and see what those are before we judgments,” said Pfeiffer.

Host George Stephanopoulos asked, “This could affect up to 5 million undocumented immigrants. Doesn’t a reversal like that fuel the arguments of those saying the president is overstepping his authority?”

Pfeiffer pointed to the current humanitarian crisis of unaccompanied minors flooding across the border as the justification for the President Barack Obama to act on the stalled immigration legislation. 

“What the president referred to, whatever he does in this space will not be a substitute for comprehensive immigration reform.” he said. “We need to deal with a specific crisis on the border. The president has no choice but to act.” 

He went on to add the executive action would come at “the end of the summer.”

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