Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) and National Journal columnist Ron Fournier debated Brooks’ recent comments that Democrats were waging a ‘war on whites’ on WVNN’s “The Dale Jackson Show” in Huntsville, AL on Wednesday.

Brooks defended his comments, saying he “used hyperbole that forced the media to cover it [Democratic race-baiting],” and that Democrats characterize whites as the “oppressor race.”  Fournier argued that there was “value” to Brooks’ argument that the Democratic Party race-baits and said both parties appeal to Hispanic voters based on race, but criticized Brooks for using hyperbole.

Brooks then asked Fournier if he had criticized Democrats for “using race as a wedge issue.”  Fournier responded that he had covered that “both parties micro-target and divide voters” for nearly 30 years, but admitted he had not covered a national strategy meeting by the Democratic Party to use race to divide voters.

Fournier quoted from the Republican National Committee’s 2013 autopsy that the GOP should avoid appearing to hate Hispanics.  Brooks stated that his support for securing the borders is color-blind and that the RNC’s statement was “playing hand-in-glove with the Democrat race-baiting strategy.”

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