On Monday’s “Special Report” on Fox News Channel, Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer was asked to offer his insights on President Barack Obama’s effort to combat ISIS in northern Iraq as it is engaged in a brutal campaign against the Kurdish territories in that country.

Krauthammer indicated he was underwhelmed by the U.S. military response.

“Apparently Obama has none – don’t do stupid stuff is apparently what he believes in,” Krauthammer said. “It is stupid to do this half-heartedly. Masrour Barzani, who is the head of intelligence and security in Kurdistan, commented on the U.S. aid. He thanked the U.S. for its aid. But it’s too little and too late, as usual with Obama. He said if we had done this earlier – it wasn’t a mystery. ISIS took Fallujah, it took Anbar and it took Mosul. It marches south into Baghdad. We ignore all of that. And he said, had we done this a few months earlier, we wouldn’t have the threat of genocide. They wouldn’t be in Kurdistan. But if we’re going to do it now we have to do it seriously through the Pentagon and openly supply the Kurds.”

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