Wednesday on KFSN, Fresno, CA’s ABC affiliate, it morning show “Action News AM” ran a few seconds of a clip of former Gov Sarah Palin’s (R-AK) discussing the minimum wage issue on her new online Sarah Palin Channel

However, host  Jason Oliveira described it in a very curious manner. 

“Palin posted a bizarre rant on her new online channel,” Oliveira said. “She mumbles about how much she thinks liberals hate fast food.”

But it turned out the local ABC affiliate had only played an out-of-context cut from an almost nine minute video, which originated on the liberal blog The Daily Banter. 

Oliverira, on the other hand, cast Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) as the hero, who was the subject of Palin’s critique in the original video. 

“Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren – who is fighting for more rights for low wage, fast food workers.”

The larger point Palin was trying make was that while liberals often take up the cause for fast food workers and their wages, they often deride fast food establishment for providing foods they deem to be unhealthy.

The entire video, “A Conservative Response to Elizabeth Warren’s Progressive Commandments,” can be viewed in context at Palin’s website.

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