Sunday on NBC’s “Meet The Press,”  Wall Street Journal editorial board member Jason Riley criticized Al Sharpton for exploiting the racially charged protests in Ferguson instead of addressing places like Chicago where crime is an epidemic destroying the lives of it’s inner city minority residents.

Riley said, “Let’s not pretend our morgues and cemeteries are a full of young black men because cops are shooting them. The reality is that it’s because other black people are shooting them, and we need to talk about black criminality. Blacks are only 13 percent of the population. but they’re 50 percent of homicide victims in this had country 90 percent of these victims are killed by other black people.” 

“A the same time, the same weekend with that this went down in Ferguson, we had 26 shootings in Chicago. but Al Sharpton didn’t head to Chicago. He headed to St. Louis because he has an entirely different agenda, which is to continue to blame whites,” he continued.

Sharpton’s MSNBC colleague Andrea Mitchell interrupted Riley to shut him down by calling Sharpton’s Ferguson visits “a peace mission.”

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