Sunday on CBS’s “Face The Nation,” Rep Mike Rogers (R-MI) said there is “a clear and present danger” above pre-9/11 levels from ISIS and al Qaeda because he explained, “Now you have two competing terrorist organizations, both of them want to get their credentials to the point where they can say, we are the premiere terrorist organization, both want to conduct attacks in the West.”

The chairman of the House Intelligence Committee explained, “The difference here is that before 9/11 there was single level threat streams coming in to the United States. Pretty serious they got in and conducted the attacks on 9/11. Now you have multiple organizations all al Qaeda minded trying to accomplish the same thing. So, ISIS has said that they want to take the people who have western passports, remember, they are flooding in to this country, thousands of individuals now signing up with ISIS to fight their jihad in Syria and Iraq have western passports.”

“That’s what’s so dangerous about this,” he added. “We also know that they want to conduct an attack. So does al Qaeda now you have two competing terrorist organizations, both of them want to get their credentials to the point where they can say, we are the premiere terrorist organization. Both want to conduct attacks in the West for that region, guess what, that means we lose at the end. If either one ever those organizations is successful we lose.”

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