Talk radio host Larry Elder rebutted arguments that Ferguson’s police force had to represent the city’s demographics on Monday’s “CNN Newsroom.” 

“I live in Compton, a suburb of Los Angeles that used to be almost all black,” Elder said. “It is now almost all Latino.  However, the people that run the city are still almost all black. And if you ask them about that, they’ll say ‘what are you saying Larry? Should I resign because my constituents have gone from black to Latino? I can’t fix a street, I can’t fix a light now because my constituents are Latino?’ That’s racial profiling, that’s racist.” 

“I hear people talk about how the Ferguson Police Department does not represent the city,” he continued. “So what? Are you saying that because the city has a certain racial composition, you therefore can’t represent the people? If that’s the argument, the logical extension is Obama should never be president because black people are just 13 percent of the country. That’s ridiculous. Martin Luther King taught us to try to evaluate people on the content of their character, not the color of their skin. I think we’re going backward.

He also urged “let’s not assume right away that because one officer is white, one person with whom he has an altercation is black, ergo racial motivation. Not fair.”

(h/t The Right Scoop)

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