On Tuesday’s Laura Ingraham radio show, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-PA), a 2012 candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, downplayed remarks from Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) on a potential run by former Gov. Mitt Romney (R-MA), the 2012 Republican nominee for the presidency.

“I think there are a lot of donors in the Republican Party that haven’t learned their lesson that we need to nominate someone who actually feels comfortable standing up and fighting for all the planks in the Republican platform and is going to run an aggressive campaign on those planks to energize the people who are Republicans and to reach out to those who Republicans generally don’t talk to,” Santorum said to fill-in host Raymond Arroyo.

Santorum cited his book “Blue Collar Conservatives” and claimed that the financial community has been in the driver’s seat of the GOP’s presidential nominating process.

“No offense to Mitt Romney, but I talk about this in the book – but nominating someone from Bain Capital and Wall Street is not the answer for us to be able to expand and grow the Republican Party. But that’s where the money is in the Republican Party – it’s in Wall Street and it’s in corporate America. And unfortunately, they have … and had a big say in who the nominee has been in the last two rounds.”

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