Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) slammed President Barack Obama’s foreign policy, and characterized him as “Barney Fife” who has “his head buried in a hole somewhere on the first green” on Thursday’s broadcast of “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.  

He reacted to Obama’s announcement that the United States does not have a strategy on ISIS by saying, “He did say we don’t have a strategy, but he followed that up by saying the strategy is to nip it in the bud. Well, unfortunately it’s not in a bud, it’s full blossomed, and do you know who made that line famous? Barney Fife. We have Barney Fife running our foreign policy now.”

Gohmert added, “He touches on Russia, that Russia is more isolated than ever. Are you kidding? They have been filling the void that this president has created around the world. I don’t know where he’s getting his information. maybe it’s CIA Director Brennan who said earlier this year that, ‘no, these guys don’t want a caliphate.’ he must have his head buried in a hole somewhere on the first green.” 

And, “This president seems to be very feckless. He seems to twitter and ditter, and if you look at what their strategy was with regard to Russia, they were going to step up their Twitter campaign because the Russians didn’t really understand how effective that could be. Neither do most of us. This is a pitiful foreign policy, and Barney Fife’s in charge.”

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