On Sunday’s broadcast of FNC’s “The Fox Report,” Pat Caddell, the former pollster for President Jimmy Carter, explained how images first shown on Breitbart Texas back in June of children that have entered the United States illegally that have been warehoused at Border Patrol facilities have influenced President Barack Obama’s policy on immigration.

According to Caddell, those imagines defined the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border and have caused Obama to delay his so-called amnesty by executive fiat effort, despite Obama saying otherwise earlier in the day on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”

“Yes, well, he punting this because it’s a political — it’s getting bad,” Caddell said. “He said in his interview this morning with Chuck Todd, ‘Well, it’s because of the children.’ You know, finally – he’s really blaming Breitbart and Fox [News] for running those pictures in which people realize the border is falling apart. And the president has decided – and by the way, their numbers we’ll get to them, that show enormous opposition to his doing this, even by lots of Democrats and even Hispanics. But what he’s doing there is very simple. He’s saying, ‘Oh, it’s all politics.’ The challenge for the Republicans is to maybe the Democrats stand up on this, and the president is basically once again showing on you feckless he can be. If it was important — to say I’m going to wait until after the election means, ‘Hey, dummies after you’ve voted, then I’m going to drop this on you.”

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