Former Senator and Republican presidential candidate Rick Santorum announced that he was taking “a more serious look” at running for president in 2016 on Wednesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show.”

After Hewitt asked Santorum “as a candidate, if you are a candidate again, do you want foreign policy to dominate these debates, do you think [it] will dominate these debates?” 

Santorum predicted that foreign policy would be a centerpiece of the 2016 primary debates, and said “as someone who’s looking at the 2016 presidential race, and looking at the field, and seeing really no one there that has any kind of national security experience, it certainly encourages me to take a more serious look at that as someone who’s been engaged in this field and very active, from both the standpoint of the Armed Services Committee when I served eight years there, and been very active on national security matters for the better part of 20 years.”

He also accused Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) of trying to “backtrack” on his previous foreign policy positions. And “I admire him in a sense for taking those positions, for trying to move the Republican Party in the direction he thinks is best, but now that things have heated up, he’s trying to put the genie back in the bottle. And I think the bottom line is, and this goes for President Obama too, that just because a war isn’t hot doesn’t mean it’s not still percolating.”

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