House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said “civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if Republicans win the Senate,” and compared Republicans to Ray Rice on Friday’s “Real Time with Bill Maher” on HBO. 

“It would be very important for Democrats to retain the Senate, civilization as we know it today would be in jeopardy if Republicans win the Senate” she stated.  Although, she later claimed that Democrats were “not fear mongers,” but “messengers of hope.”

When asked about the lack of pacifism from the Democratic Party on ISIS, Pelosi declared “war is not a way to resolve conflict,” but also argued that “you have to get rid of ISIS.”

Pelosi concluded by slamming Republicans for voting against the Violence Against Women Act, and argued “the Violence Against Women Act, Ray Rice, the whole thing, it’s all about respect or disrespect for women.  That’s why our ‘When Women Succeed’ message is so important because it respects women.”

(h/t Mediaite)

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