Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) cut off an interview with Springfield, IL ABC affiliate WICS anchor Vince Dementri after a line of questioning on the rise of ISIS. 

WICS said Durbin wanted “to talk about a bill he introduced that would give veteran owned small businesses access to surplus federal property,” but according to Dementri, “We’ve done many of these interviews with the senator and no topic is usually off limits. So given today’s 9/11 anniversary, and the president’s national address last night on how he plans to handle the terror group ISIS, I laid about asking the Senator some tough questions about the situation, maybe too tough as my interview was abruptly cut short.”

After responding to several questions on ISIS, Durbin was asked, “Did anyone think, seriously, that when we pulled out, that something like this was not going to happen?”  He quickly responded that the U.S. government invested in the Iraqi Army, before cutting the interview short.  Dementri concluded the reporting by saying that Durbin’s staff claimed that he ended the interview because he had a meeting to attend.

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