Conservative talker Rush Limbaugh said he “can see” Attorney General Eric Holder, who recently announced his resignation from the Department of Justice, being nominated to the Supreme Court on Thursday.

“There’s also another possibility regarding Eric Holder … It may happen, we still have two years to go, there may be a Supreme Court vacancy, and I can see Barack Obama nominating Eric Holder to fill it.  And it would be much easier for Eric Holder to make the jump from private sector law firm rainmaker after six years at DOJ to the Supreme Court than from DOJ straight to the Supreme Court…but don’t rule any of that out.”  Although, Limbaugh pointed out that “there’s always the cashing in aspect after you perform your six years of government service.”

He also ruled out the possibility that Holder resigned due to fear of an investigation by the Republican Senate, saying, “Why would anybody be afraid of what the Republicans are going to do? They aren’t going to investigate anybody.”

(h/t Daily Caller)

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