In an interview that is set to air in its entirety on CNN on Wednesday morning, Gov. Chris Christie (R-NJ), a prospective 2016 Republican presidential candidate, sounded off on President Barack Obama’s handling of the ISIS situation, in particular his comments to CBS’s “60 Minutes” on Sunday night.

Christie told CNN’s Dana Bash he was disturbed and hopes Obama will correct the record to reflect his accountability.

“I was disturbed by the ‘60 Minutes’ interview on Sunday when he said ‘they underestimated ISIS,” Christie said. “It should be ‘we,’ Mr. President. It’s your administration. And when you’re the leader, you have to be held accountable for what they do. So I was disturbed by that. I think that makes people a little less certain of his footing on these things. He is the president. He needs to be accountable. And I hope that he says that. I hope he corrects what was a misstatement — that it wasn’t ‘they underestimated,’ it was ‘we,’ ‘he,’ his administration. As I’ve shown before, if and if the president is doing something well, I don’t hesitate to say that he is. But I think the jury is still out on this because we shouldn’t be in this position to begin with.”

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