In an appearance on CNN’s “New Day” on Monday, Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX), the member of Congress that represents the district of which the hospital that diagnosed Thomas Duncan, the first Ebola patient diagnosed in the United States, sounded off on the U.S. government and the CDC’s response to that diagnosis.

Sessions told “New Day” host Chris Cuomo that he was underwhelmed by the CDC’s response to his queries that he received in a briefing on the situation and that he encourages a travel ban of those originating from those countries.

“Well, the thought is when I was briefed immediately last week is by the CDC, I asked the director of the CDC his opinion because I believe his opinion is important,” Sessions said. “He referred me to an article from two weeks previously in the Financial Times. And I asked him to please reevaluate what had been academic exercise is now reality. I think this is what the administration needs to be doing – there’s a lot of finger-pointing about what is the right or the wrong thing. What is correct is that we treat this in the circumstance where we stop travel to the United States, not just from there, but also understanding the African travel goes to Europe and other places. We can have people visiting the United States. This is a reasonable precaution that the American people would expect us to do as elected officials and as servants of the people.”

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