Dr. David Dausey, an epidemiologist who serves Dean of the School of Health Professions and Public Health at Mercyhurst University, said that current attempts to keep people with the Ebola virus out of the country are “not all that useful” on Thursday’s “Sean Hannity Show.”

Dausey declared, “What we are doing right now to restrict people [with Ebola from coming] into the country is not all that useful,” adding that a person could cheat the temperature screenings by simply taking Advil or Tylenol before landing.  He also agreed with Hannity that the temperature checks were a “waste of time.”

He also argued that the United States should have “some kind of travel ban or travel restrictions,” and that someone could transmit Ebola to a person sitting next to them on the plane.

Dausey repeatedly criticized public health officials, saying that they were giving “lots of excuses” for not instituting travel restrictions that did not hold up, and declared they were practicing “one-size-fits-all public health,” and using “template language” to avoid a panic.

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