Mark Steyn, author of “The Undocumented Mark Steyn,” argued “the week we’re in right now,” “ought to be a teaching moment” on Monday’s “Sean Hannity Show.” 

“The week we’re in right now, Sean, ought to be a teaching moment because when people think when you entrust government, it’ll be there for you on 9/11, it’ll be there for you with Ebola” he stated. And “people think ‘well, the CDC, they’ve got this huge budget, why aren’t they there for Ebola?’ Well the reason is when you have big government, they regulate a lot of the stuff I talk about in the books, like Kinder Chocolate Eggs.”

Steyn argued that this is because “government always goes for the soft target, and the soft target is always you, and never the Tsarnaev brothers at the Boston Marathon, the soft target is always the Kinder Chocolate Eggs, never the Ebola virus.”

He concluded, “President Kennedy said ‘put a man on the moon by the end of this decade,’ America did it. Now in nine years now, in American you can’t get a zoning permit…you can’t even get the Keystone Pipeline approved in nine years.”

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