Conservative talk radio host Laura Ingraham praised Senate candidate Scott Brown (R-NH) for his emphasis on immigration in his race to unseat Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) on Wednesday.

“Scott Brown, of course [is] standing up for American jobs. Scott Brown [is] standing up for American wages,” she declared.  Adding, “when Scott Brown focuses on immigration, Scott Brown starts to win.”

Ingraham compared Brown positively to Dave Brat, who pulled off a historic upset of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-VA) in the Republican primary, saying “we saw what happened in Virginia with Dave Brat versus Eric Cantor. Right? We saw that when the race became about American opportunities first, American jobs first, American culture, American borders, American sovereignty, American opportunities, when it became about that…people listening to Brat thought, ‘Oh my gosh, finally someone is saying this! Why are we doing this to ourselves? Why are we turning ourselves into, potentially, a third world economy, destroying the middle class, destroying our wage earning capacity, why are we doing this to ourselves?’” And “what does Scott Brown do? Scott Brown does the same thing as Brat, he goes right to this immigration point. And by the way, on our show, Scott Brown actually said that, he said “this race is about immigration.” This race is about what they’re doing to our workers and he called out the Establishment…Scott Brown is getting it.”