On Wednesday, talk radio host Laura Ingraham slammed Senator Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) for joking about the lack of security on the southern border.

Shaheen quipped “we sort of let this guy [her Republican opponent Scott Brown] sneak over the southern border. You’ve probably noticed that we’ve been debating border security a little bit in this campaign.  Clearly we didn’t do enough to secure the southern border of New Hampshire,” on Monday.  

Ingraham said “Jeanne Shaheen thinks our porous border hilarious,” and pushed Republicans to support Brown in order to remove Shaheen from the Senate.

Ingraham then criticized “Republican-oriented groups” like the Chamber of Commerce for failing to lend support to Brown and instead supporting “whatever candidate is going to agree to flood our marketplace with cheap labor and is for immigration amnesty.”

She concluded by urging Republican candidates, “Get with it on immigration. Get with it on guest workers. Speak to the needs and the concerns of the American people on these issues. Don’t worry about your donor class, worry about doing the right thing for the American people, and you will do so much better than you will do by a milquetoast moderate approach on immigration that would maybe win the approval of Jeb Bush, but certainly isn’t going to get people off their couches to go vote for you.”

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