Columnist and author “Never Trust a Liberal Over 3-Especially a Republican,” Ann Coulter argued that WMUR reporter James Pindell was trying to “be a hero” by questioning New Hampshire Senate candidate Scott Brown’s (R) knowledge of New Hampshire geography in an interview on Saturday’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on the Fox News Channel.

“The real story of that debate is the new Andy Hiller. Remember, Andy Hiller, in the 2000 election asked George Bush this complicated question about name the leaders of these obscure, ridiculous countries because he wanted to be a hero with his fellow liberals by catching the president. OK, this time we had James, we call him James Pinhead…[WMUR reporter James Pindell] he asked Scott [Brown], ‘tell me about the economy, of Sullivan County.’ Because, you know [Brown] used to be a Senator from Massachusetts and [Brown] gives a beautiful answer, he knows the different areas, different economies, the parts of New Hampshire and the pinhead…he says ‘no, no, no. specifically be specific. Tell me about Sullivan County,’ and Brown said ‘Well, I’m talking about the whole area north of Concord.’ So, pinhead corrects him and said ‘Sullivan County is not north of Concord.’ The liberal blogs go wild, they claim Scott Brown doesn’t even know New Hampshire. One hour after the debate, he admits Brown was right, [and] he was wrong. Just like the Candy Crowley thing.”

She also argued that Democratic candidate Vincent Sheheen referring to Republican Governor Nikki Haley of South Carolina as “whore” was a “continuation of the Democrats’ war on women.” And “it wouldn’t have been so funny if a Republican had done it.”

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