Monday afternoon on MSNBC, NBC News’ Tom Brokaw was asked what Americans are thinking heading into Tuesday’s midterm election.

“Well, they’re thinking that they’d like to have Washington get something done,” Brokaw said. “The question is, not just which party can get it done, but how can they change the tone of Washington so they can work together.”

“I was listening to Gov. Haley Barbour a moment ago, no one is shrewder in the Republican party than Haley, and last week Senator Portman from Ohio was talking about the agenda for the Republicans if they gain control of the Senate; the question then is, what are they prepared to give to the Democrats to meet them in the middle ground?”

“What are they going to do about immigration, what are they going to do about the minimum wage?” Brokaw continued. “Things have not been done in the last couple of years, in part because both parties have staked out positions at either end of the spectrum and refuse to meet in the middle. That’s the question I think that the country is really fed up with.”

“If you go around America, city councils in Seattle, Los Angeles and Atlanta are getting things done because they work together. It doesn’t happen in Washington.”

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