In the opening monologue of his Wednesday radio show, conservative talker Rush Limbaugh gave his interpretation of last night’s election results, which he said had less to do with governing but more to do with stopping President Barack Obama.

“It is the biggest and perhaps the most important mandate a political party has had in the recent era and it is very simple what that mandate is,” Limbaugh said. “It is to stop Barack Obama. It is to stop the Democrat Party. There is no other reason why Republicans were elected yesterday. Republicans were not elected to govern. How can you govern with a president that disobeys the Constitution? How can you govern with a president that is demonstrably lawless when he thinks he has to be? The Republican Party was not elected to fix a broken system or make it work. The Republican Party was not elected to compromise. The Republican Party was not elected to sit down and work together with the Democrats. The Republican Party was not elected to slow down the speed for which the country is headed for the cliff and go over it slowly. The Republican Party was to stop before we get to the cliff. And that’s the mandate.”

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