Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) declared that an executive action by the president to implement immigration reform would create “a constitutional crisis” on Thursday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Lee said that “if what is rumored to be in the works is in fact going to happen, it will be anything other than lawful if in fact what he’s going to do is issue an executive order just giving out green cards to millions of Americans, who under the law, as it’s written today, is not in effect, that’s not OK, that’s not lawful. And we’ll do everything we can to stop him, including withholding funds from his ability to carry out that project.” And “we’ve got to lead out on this issue and make sure that he doesn’t lead us from behind into a constitutional crisis.”

He added that even Democrats were concerned about executive overreach, and that “privately some of them have told me that they do share concerns like these with the president exercising too much power. Several of them told me that, privately, in the wake of the president’s recess appointments at a time when the Senate was not in recess. But publicly, for whatever reason, they weren’t inclined to express that.”

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