Thursday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports,” Sen. John McCain (R-AZ) pleaded with President Barack Obama to not use his executive power to grant amnesty to upwards of 6 million illegal immigrants currently living in the Untied States because it would have devastating consequences on the chance of the the two parties working together.  

McCain said, “I am pleading with the president of the United States not to act. Give it a chance. We have a new Congress, a new mandate. Let’s let the House of Representatives decide whether they want to move forward on immigration reform or not. It will be a devastating blow if he acts unilaterally with executive order. For Denis McDonough to say, if the congress acts, hey can negate an executive order. That’s not how the government is supposed to run. This is a huge issue. It requires us working together. I believe we can make progress, beginning in the House of Representatives, if the president would hold off and let’s see what happens rather than doing this. I have spent many years, as you know, working on this issue. I hate to see this turn of events.” 

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