Eugene O’Donnell, a former New York City Police Officer who is currently a Professor at the John Jay College of Criminal Justice, declared that the grand jury process is “not a good process” for dealing with police shootings on Monday’s “Reid Report” on MSNBC.

When asked “isn’t it the case that the police union, the relationships with prosecutors will prevent police officers from ever being really held accountable for police shootings,” he responded “the grand jury’s not a good process for this at all, I don’t think it is. I think you need transparency, you need disclosure, you need details as to why these things happen, maybe you need a special prosecutor. Believe it or not, I’m not sure that’s going to change the outcome because this is a pretty routine ending, no matter what the politics are, no matter where you are in the country, police people don’t get indicted, much less convicted. But, I definitely think this vacuum, this informational vacuum you see in Staten Island that’s not helpful. People are left to wonder, ‘how could this grand jury do this?’ It’s more predictable than exceptional, regrettably.”

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