Fox News Chief White House Correspondent Ed Henry criticized some of his fellow members of the White House Press Corps for some of their “unmemorable” questioning during the president’s year-end press conference on Friday saying “frankly, I think some of the questions just didn’t press him.”

Regarding the president’s decision to snub TV networks, he stated “I’ll say something before this becomes a controversy or something, is that, a couple weeks back we were in  Australia for the G-20 Summit and the president only called on the five TV networks, and I think the White House will argue that we got our licks in, we got some tough questions into the president a few weeks ago, so he wanted to give some other people a chance,” but added “frankly, I think some of the questions just didn’t press him…the questions were trailing off, the president was almost like ‘let me remember what you asked’ because it was so unmemorable.”

Henry continued, “Something that should have been followed up on and I wanted to follow up on, was the president saying, ‘Look, I think Sony made a mistake by cowing to North Korea’ and then went on to say, ‘I wish they had have spoken to me first.’ And I’m confused as to why someone didn’t ask, ‘why didn’t you call them or why didn’t someone here at the White House call them and say, ‘we have your back?” Clearly I understand the context, which is the president has to be careful not to look like he’s interfering with an individual company, with commerce, I get all that. But if you’re saying, ‘you should have called me first,’ you’re admitting that you would have had that conversation, that you would have given them advice. And frankly the president could have said ‘I’m not going to let you make the decision, but I will let you know, if you decide to good forward with this film, I’ve got your back.’ He didn’t make that phone call.”

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