On this weekend’s broadcast of “Saturday Night Live” on NBC, former cast member Mike Myers made a return to perform as “Dr. Evil” from his Austin Powers movie series.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Evil. I’ve preempted this program because I’m furious that North Korea and Sony pictures have both given evil organizations a bad name,” he said. “I mean, what the F people? It’s so pathetic to see you two fight over a silly comedy. It’s like watching two bald men fight over a comb. Who cares? Sony, North Korea, it’s time to get a Trapper Keeper, and some loose-leaf, because I’m about to take you to school. Let’s start a review, North Korea. You’re one of the most evil countries in the world. And your act of war is to kill a movie? It’s easy to kill a movie. Just move it to January.”

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