On a special Sunday edition of “Justice with Judge Jeanine” on the Fox News Channel, Milwaukee Co., WI Sheriff David Clarke expressed his desire for national politicians to stop using local police issues for political gain.

Clarke told host Jeanine Pirro their involvement was akin to pouring gasoline on a smolder issue.

“It’ll stop when these individuals butt out of local politics,” Clark said. “Alright, we know how to solve problems at the local level. Do we have problems? Sure we do. But to throw all of these at the foot of the American police officer and try to make them to be the scapegoat and them to be the whipping post is not the way out of this, OK. Local issues have been solved at the local level. Keep these DC politicians out of this and we will solve this on our own. Look, we make great strides into the police-community relations in this country. Do we have a long way to go? You’re darn right we do. We are making strides. But these individuals came along and saw something smoldering and instead of taking the responsible way out and providing some leadership with responsible rhetoric they choose to pour gasoline on this smoldering issue and now it’s in flames. And I just found it interesting that the president issued his statement this morning from Hawaii on his Christmas vacation. America is in crisis and he is in Hawaii.

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