On Saturday, Judge Jeanine Pirro, host of the Fox News Channel’s “Justice with Judge Jeanine” argued that the slaughter of Christians in the Middle East was “history repeating itself.”

“Why do we stand by and watch the genocide of Christians in the Middle East, it’s history repeating itself. But remember, it is to our detriment this time. 6 million Jews were killed in the Holocaust while the world looked the other way…let’s hope we speak out soon, so others will speak out for us” she declared.

She also criticized Pope Francis, stating “as men and women are butchered, children tortured, their severed heads displayed with pride by jihadists, the leader of the Catholic Church, Pope Francis, puts the enormous weight of his papacy behind the plight of Central American children already in the United States, and he works to normalize US-Cuban relations, and does nothing more than call for constructive dialogue with Muslims over the Christian genocide. Since when does the Catholic Church look to mediate the abuser with the victim?”

Pirro also argued that the threat of Islamic jihad was not isolated to Middle East, pointing to attempts to institute Sharia Law in the US and saying “the lone wolves are here in the United States. America was founded by people who gave up everything, their families, their fortune, and their livelihood to ensure through the First Amendment, that we would have religious freedom, that ‘Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion or prohibiting the free exercise thereof or abridging the freedom of speech.’ So why does it feel like we’re moving in the direction of our First Amendment rights being subjugated to the religions of others. When our president says an American should be prosecuted for exercising his First Amendment [rights] by making a video perceived as negative about Islam, when the former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton says, we need to understand and empathize with our enemies, we are on a downward spiral.”

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