Fox News Strategic Analyst and Retired Lt. Col. Ralph Peters argued that President Obama “would have an easier time dealing with a war on terrorists if the terrorists were southern baptists or Israeli Jews”on Tuesday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel.

Peters said “what I find inexplicable are President Obama’s and his cabinet’s refusal to go to participate, the apparent order, to even Eric Holder not to show up even though he was in Paris.”

He continued “I think it goes back to Obama’s insistence that there’s no such thing as Islamist terror. Obama, once he makes up his mind about something, I suspect he made up his mind about Islam 30 or 40 years ago, you can’t move him. He can’t learn from new facts, and even though six years in office, he’s seen the proliferation of Islamist terror, literally around the world, he’s still clinging to the idea that Islam is somehow benign…I do believe that, and I am not trying to be at all sensational, I do believe that the president romanticizes Islam, that he really sees the religion of Islam as oppressed, while he sees Christianity and Judaism as the oppressors…I think this president would have an easier time dealing with a war on terrorists if the terrorists were Southern Baptists or Israeli Jews.”

Peters also commented on the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu being told not to attend France’s unity rally over the weekend, stating “actually, in this case, I really don’t think it was anti-Semitism. You want to talk anti-Semitism, we can get to Jimmy Carter…it was a wrong decision.  They certainly should have invited Netanyahu. Absolutely, the French were wrong.”

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