British Prime Minister David Cameron is fighting back against criticism by the Muslim community of a letter sent to every mosque in England asking for their help in the fight against radical Islamic terrorism.

While answering questions after a speech, Prime Minister Cameron said: “I think it is absolutely right to write this letter, to say that we all have a responsibility to fight extremism. Anyone who reads this letter – and I’ve read the letter – will see that what he is saying is that British Muslims make a great contribution to our country, that what is happening in terms of extremist terror has nothing to do with the true religion of Islam. It’s being perverted by a minority who have been radicalised. But everyone needs to help with dealing with this problem of radicalisation. Anyone, frankly, reading this letter, who has a problem with it, I think really has a problem. Because, I think it is the most reasonable, sensible, moderate letter that Eric could possibly have written. Frankly, all of us have a responsibility to try to confront this radicalisation and make sure that we stop young people being drawn into this poisonous fanatical death cult that a very small minority of people have created.”

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