Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich (R) blasted the Obama administration, claiming they were allowing dangerous illegal immigrants to stay in the country in the wake of a murder of a store clerk by an illegal immigrant on Wednesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel.

Brnovich outlined the perpetrator’s criminal history and declared “if someone like this can remain in this country, even though he’s here illegally, and has been committed crimes, you have to ask yourself what is the Obama administration doing? What are their policies? Why are they allowing people like this to stay in our communities and be threats to our wives, families, children, and husbands, and fathers?”

He continued, “no one is more sympathetic to immigration reform than I am. I’m a product of immigration, but immigration reform has to start with securing our border and making sure that those that break the law are deported back to their countries, and what we’ve seen is a lack of will on the part of the Obama administration. So, until we get the border secure, we can’t move on to that next phase in immigration reform.” And “I would urge the Obama administration to follow the law, it’s one of the reasons why Arizona joined with the majority of the states to sue the Obama administration over his unconstitutional action and his obligation to take charge and take care of the United States and enforce the laws of the United States. There are laws on the book, and all we are asking is those laws be enforced and that people that enter this country illegally, especially those that mean to do us harm, we need to make sure that they are deported back to their home countries and that the administration, the Obama administration is not encouraging more illegal immigration by its unconstitutional actions.”

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