Sunday on CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” the director humanitarian relief after Hurricane Katrina, Lt. Gen. Honoré, said NBC New anchor Brian Williams’ claims that he saw dead bodies floating in New Orleans French Quarter and gangs over ran the Ritz Carlton Hotel during his coverage of the hurricane, seem “very suspect.”

Honoré  said “It’s very suspect, but anything is possible,” adding, “I think the thing that gives his story suspect is he violated one of the rules of old soldiers war stories. That is you tell war stories about the adventures of others that you observe and many of his war stories are about him. He became a part of the story. That being said, the majority of my time in New Orleans, when we were not actually giving orders, supervising orders, was going around telling the American people that breaking news that they had heard, that had been reported on national television, was not true. Such as someone blew the levee, or we had snipers operating, there was rape and murder happening in the Superdome and convention center. So breaking news sometimes broke without being corroborated by other sources.”

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