Retired Lt. Col. and Fox News Strategic Analyst Ralph Peters dubbed the White House’s announcement of its national security strategy a “self-adoring orgy” on Monday’s “Your World with Neil Cavuto” on the Fox News Channel.

“That national security strategy that Susan Rice presented at the pep rally at Brookings last Thursday or Friday, that is — was not a security strategy in any sense of the word. It was a polemic document pandering to disconnected constituencies, from minority communities to climate change junkies” he stated. And “it was just more self-praise, it was another self-love — self-adoring orgy at Brookings…truly, the president is still politicking. He’s still running for election. I wish in his last two years he’d just shut up and lead.”

He also argued that the rhetoric of the US’ national security strategy is “false choices, that we can’t use the military all of the time. Well, but sometimes you do. I mean, not every problem has a military solution. Some only have a military solution, in the real world.”

Peters added that President Obama’s recent interview with CNN’s Fareed Zakaria showed “president obama’s distaste for a free media, the media was just supposed to adore him and that was that. The other issue, is sort of, his weak loin dismay that Islamist terror didn’t just go away after he displayed public empathy with Islam.”

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