Former White House Senior Advisor David Axelrod took issue with Dr. Ben Carson’s perspective on race relations, saying “I suspect many, many African-Americans in this country wouldn’t agree with his analysis” on Wednesday’s “Hugh Hewitt Show.”

“First of all, let me say I think Dr. Carson is a great neurosurgeon, and I respect him as a neurosurgeon. I don’t necessarily agree with him in his politics or his analysis, and I suspect many, many African-Americans in this country wouldn’t agree with his analysis. Their experience may have been different than his experience. I don’t know. But all I can say is that he has a point of view, but it isn’t necessarily one that reflects the experience of a lot of people in this country. That is valid…I strongly reject the notion that he [President Obama] has tried to manipulate the racial issue. And you know, I think he’s been very, in the face of a lot of provocation, he’s been very disciplined about speaking to the entire country on a range of issues. So you know, I know Dr. Carson’s running for president, and I expect that he’ll, you know, I don’t think he’s going to run around the country talking about the president as the loving son of a loving mother. That’s not how he’s going to run. He’s going to be critical. But that doesn’t mean it’s right” he stated.

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