On Tuesday’s “Fox & Friends” on the Fox News Channel, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV) said he would vote with Republicans to end President Barack Obama’s efforts on executive amnesty. However, he insisted the Department of Homeland Security first be funded beyond the end of the month with a clean bill.

“[L]et’s make sure we understand the filibuster,” Manchin said. “Basically, it takes 60 votes. If we filibuster, it takes 60 votes to get on the bill. Once you get on the bill, it takes 51 — simple majority. The bottom line [is] happy to debate the bills and talk about them, but we have to have a Homeland Security bill that basically protects us with all the threats we have going on here within our country, and also around the world. With that being said, yes, if he’d give me a bill. Let me vote on a clean Homeland Security. And I’ve told the Democrats. They know exactly where I stand. I think the president overreached. And I would be – I will be voting with the Republicans to repeal the president’s actions, but not all of them combined into one.”

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