On Wednesday, MSNBC’s “Hardball” host Chris Matthews said that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu should apologize for the “crapstorm” he started regarding his speech before Congress.

Matthews said, “Let me finish tonight with this crapstorm that has Netanyahu has started. All the Prime Minister had to do to avoid all this fighting with Washington was to speak out. That’s what he could have done, speak out the second he heard that the invitation for him to address the US Congress was issued without the knowledge of the American President. All he had to do was say ‘I will only come if this invitation is bipartisan, and certainly only if the President of the United States has approved it.’ All he had to do was that just say, ‘I don’t like the way this thing has been handled. I had no intention to do this under the table. No intention of disrespecting the President of the United States. Because, even if we disagree, I will not abuse the historic ties between our two countries, with Democrats and Republicans alike.'”

He concluded, “well, here’s a thought, the Prime Minister can now say, right at the front of his remarks next week, that he didn’t know. Nobody told him that the president was not duly informed of his invitation, and he is sorry the whole thing went the way it did. Just say you didn’t know this thing was carried out in the dark. That’s if you were not party to this subterfuge. If, Mr. Prime Minister, you knew from the outset that this was all a way to blindside the president and therefore humiliate him, well that’s the problem, isn’t it.”

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