In an appearance on Fox News Channel’s “America’s Newsroom” on Wednesday, Fox News strategic analyst Ret. U.S. Army Lt. Col. Ralph Peters lambasted President Barack Obama and other Democrats in Washington, D.C. for their reaction to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to a joint session of Congress on Tuesday.

According to Peters, that reaction was less than appropriate.

“I thought it was pretty damn sad that the American people have to hear the truth from the prime minister of Israel about Islamist fanaticism and the struggles we’re seeing in the Middle East,” Peters said. “And our own president won’t even call Islamist terrorism ‘Islamist terrorism.’ Martha, there is no question the vituperative, vicious Democratic reaction to the speech … was because Benjamin Netanyahu told the truth and Obama has not. Netanyahu called him out. And this is a president who still has levelled with the American people about why he is doing the deal, what the deal contains — the Iranian nuke deal — and what the threat is and it is not. So again, I thought Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech was needed. It was masterful. It was honest. It was inspiring. And Democrats in response, including the president, acted like snitty, bitchy high school girls.”

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