CNN’s Wolf Blitzer asked Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) “you don’t want any deal, right?” during an interview on the letter (via Bloomberg) he and several other Senators wrote to Iran on Monday’s “Wolf.”

“So, you don’t want any deal, basically, no matter what the president, Secretary of State Kerry come up with the Iranians in the days leading before this March 24th framework deadline. Basically, you’ve conclude this is a disaster, you don’t want any deal, right?” Blitzer wondered.

Cassidy responded, “that’s not what the letter says. And that’s — frankly, I’m hoping it’s a great deal, but that’s not what the letter says. Tom — I mean, Wolf, this is not undermining the president. It’s just saying that the deal better represent US interests as well as Iranians’, and there will be review by the Senate. And, so if it’s a great deal, that will be a really good review, and if it’s a bad deal, then frankly it’ll have considerations.”

Earlier, Cassidy argued, “they [the Obama administration] are criticizing us for stating the facts that in our Constitution, Congress has to sign off and Senator Cotton — the letter lays out that approval process. Why are they criticizing our constitutional form of government?…This is a statement of fact. I don’t know why facts are threatening to the administration and I think the letter speaks for itself.”

He added, “I think if the American people felt better about the president’s foreign policy, perhaps we would not have sent the letter.”

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